Икономика ⇒ Икономиката на Русия и външната ѝ политика
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Re: Икономиката на Русия и външната ѝ политика
Пореден (шести) генерал от кликата на Шойгу изгоря с обвинения за вземане на подкупи в особено големи размери - Източник
- Dinain
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- Регистриран на: 18 Юли 2016, 22:29
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Re: Икономиката на Русия и външната ѝ политика
РЖД отчитались о сильнейшем за два года обвале грузоперевозок по России
Спадът на товарооборота на руските железници (измерител за икономиката) се ускорява и достига рекордни нива от 2008 г., ня годишна база:
Май -2.1%
Юни -3%
Юли -5.6%
Август -6%
Основна причина - проблемите с продажбите на въглища и цветни метали заради намаляване търсенето в Китай и санкциите. Също така недостиг на локомотиви поради повреди - броят им се е удвоил за две години.
За август транспортная монополия, оперирующая третьей крупнейшей ж/д сетью в мире, перевезла на грузовых поездах 97,5 млн тонн грузов. В годовом выражении перевозки сократились на 6% — рекордно с июня 2022 года, а по сравнению с весной спад ускорился втрое: в мае это было 2,1%, в июне 3%, в июле 5,6%.
Если к концу года ситуация не улучшится, то крушение грузоперевозок станет самым глубоким с глобального финансового кризиса 2008–09 гг., отмечают аналитики MMI: «Даже в ковид погрузка падала меньше».
https://www.moscowtimes.ru/2024/09/03/r ... ii-a141111Основная причина — это проблемы с продажами за рубеж угля и металлов из-за падения спроса в Китае и санкций, подчеркивает ММI.
Спадът на товарооборота на руските железници (измерител за икономиката) се ускорява и достига рекордни нива от 2008 г., ня годишна база:
Май -2.1%
Юни -3%
Юли -5.6%
Август -6%
Основна причина - проблемите с продажбите на въглища и цветни метали заради намаляване търсенето в Китай и санкциите. Също така недостиг на локомотиви поради повреди - броят им се е удвоил за две години.
“Обережно, падає бімба! ”
Т-72, 24.02.22
Т-72, 24.02.22
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Re: Икономиката на Русия и външната ѝ политика
Всички водещи световни банки промениха прогнозите за китайския растеж надолу ,под предвидените от китайското правителство 5% .Прогнозите са около 4,5% и това личи най-вече от разходите ,които кит. правителство прави ,придимно за инвестиции и кредити - ТЕ НАМАЛЯВАТ.Това пряко засяга русия и то болезнено . Другото интересно, ако човек направи връзка м/у официалния курс на рублата спрямо долара и цените на горивата ,няма как да не забележи ,че с падане на цените на горивата, ОФИЦИАЛНО рублата се засилва. А ако се види средните курсове на руските банки те са далеч над сегашния 88,16 р/д ,/при тях е около средно 92 руб/долар/ при Брент около 73 долара ,когато преди дни Брентът беше около 80 долара ,официалният курс на рублата /долар 91-92. Това е изкуствено завишаване далеч от пазарната стойност на руската валута ,същото е и при китайската валута ,каквото каже партията. Така че в търговията на русия с китай има едно ГОЛЯМО надлъгване.Dinain написа: ↑04 Сеп 2024, 10:44РЖД отчитались о сильнейшем за два года обвале грузоперевозок по РоссииЗа август транспортная монополия, оперирующая третьей крупнейшей ж/д сетью в мире, перевезла на грузовых поездах 97,5 млн тонн грузов. В годовом выражении перевозки сократились на 6% — рекордно с июня 2022 года, а по сравнению с весной спад ускорился втрое: в мае это было 2,1%, в июне 3%, в июле 5,6%.
Если к концу года ситуация не улучшится, то крушение грузоперевозок станет самым глубоким с глобального финансового кризиса 2008–09 гг., отмечают аналитики MMI: «Даже в ковид погрузка падала меньше».https://www.moscowtimes.ru/2024/09/03/r ... ii-a141111Основная причина — это проблемы с продажами за рубеж угля и металлов из-за падения спроса в Китае и санкций, подчеркивает ММI.
Спадът на товарооборота на руските железници (измерител за икономиката) се ускорява и достига рекордни нива от 2008 г., ня годишна база:
Май -2.1%
Юни -3%
Юли -5.6%
Август -6%
Основна причина - проблемите с продажбите на въглища и цветни метали заради намаляване търсенето в Китай и санкциите. Също така недостиг на локомотиви поради повреди - броят им се е удвоил за две години.
- Dinain
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- Мнения: 44903
- Регистриран на: 18 Юли 2016, 22:29
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Re: Икономиката на Русия и външната ѝ политика
Датата дойде, вчера все пак беше Labor day в Щатите (празник).
Microsoft starts cutting Russia off from its cloud services — Softline
Microsoft Office, Outlook, Teams, Power BI, Intune, Azure, VS, огромен брой продукти на Майкрософт спират да работят в следващите месеци. Или поне няма да могат да се обновяват или инсталират на нови устройства.
Ще бъде фън...
Microsoft starts cutting Russia off from its cloud services — Softline
https://tass.com/economy/1838097MOSCOW, September 4. /TASS/. Microsoft has started to disconnect its Microsoft 365 and Office 365 cloud services in Russia, the group of IT companies Softline reported.
Microsoft promised to start restricting access to its cloud services in Russia on September 2.
"We have begun to receive information about cloud services being cut off. According to current information, the subscription status of a number of our clients has been switched to disabled in the administration console. The restrictions affected M365, O365, EMS. Teams is also not available to users," the company reported.
Earlier, representatives from Softline, a partner of Microsoft, reported on the newly introduced restrictions from the American corporation.
This is Microsoft's "second round" of restrictive measures for its cloud products in Russia.
Microsoft Office, Outlook, Teams, Power BI, Intune, Azure, VS, огромен брой продукти на Майкрософт спират да работят в следващите месеци. Или поне няма да могат да се обновяват или инсталират на нови устройства.
Ще бъде фън...
“Обережно, падає бімба! ”
Т-72, 24.02.22
Т-72, 24.02.22
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Re: Икономиката на Русия и външната ѝ политика
Спирането на Azure, ще ги удари първо. Огромен брой приложения го използват за двустепенна аутентииация(two factor authentication) на потребителите. Утре тези приложения, които може да нямат нищо общо с Майкрософт, просто ще спрат да допускат потребителите.
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- Регистриран на: 16 Апр 2024, 19:26
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Re: Икономиката на Русия и външната ѝ политика
Руснаците казват ,че датата 12 октомври я чакат ,както са чакали о1 о1 2000 .Доста ще им стане терсенеDinain написа: ↑04 Сеп 2024, 14:11Датата дойде, вчера все пак беше Labor day в Щатите (празник).
Microsoft starts cutting Russia off from its cloud services — Softlinehttps://tass.com/economy/1838097MOSCOW, September 4. /TASS/. Microsoft has started to disconnect its Microsoft 365 and Office 365 cloud services in Russia, the group of IT companies Softline reported.
Microsoft promised to start restricting access to its cloud services in Russia on September 2.
"We have begun to receive information about cloud services being cut off. According to current information, the subscription status of a number of our clients has been switched to disabled in the administration console. The restrictions affected M365, O365, EMS. Teams is also not available to users," the company reported.
Earlier, representatives from Softline, a partner of Microsoft, reported on the newly introduced restrictions from the American corporation.
This is Microsoft's "second round" of restrictive measures for its cloud products in Russia.
Microsoft Office, Outlook, Teams, Power BI, Intune, Azure, VS, огромен брой продукти на Майкрософт спират да работят в следващите месеци. Или поне няма да могат да се обновяват или инсталират на нови устройства.
Ще бъде фън...
- Dinain
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- Мнения: 44903
- Регистриран на: 18 Юли 2016, 22:29
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Re: Икономиката на Русия и външната ѝ политика
Посол рассказал, что банки Турции «выдавливают» компании, занятые транзитом в РФ
Турските банки вече блокират преводи или направо закриват сметките на фирми, занимаващи се с износ за РФ - посланикът на РФ в Турция.
(Проказата продължава)
https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/6934096Проблемы во взаиморасчетах между Россией и Турцией сохраняются, заявил посол РФ в Анкаре Алексей Ерхов. По его словам, в турецких банках участились случаи «выдавливания» компаний, которые занимаются транзитом товаров в Россию. Таким клиентам блокируют переводы или вовсе закрываются счета, уточнил дипломат.
Турските банки вече блокират преводи или направо закриват сметките на фирми, занимаващи се с износ за РФ - посланикът на РФ в Турция.
(Проказата продължава)
“Обережно, падає бімба! ”
Т-72, 24.02.22
Т-72, 24.02.22
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- Регистриран на: 16 Окт 2017, 07:48
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Re: Икономиката на Русия и външната ѝ политика
Използваният вчера "Искандер" е имал 27 американски компонента
https://x.com/Maks_NAFO_FELLA/status/18 ... 7245751354
Русия тайно е купувала стоки с двойна употреба от Индия и е проучвала възможността за изграждане на съоръжения в страната, за да получава компоненти за своите военни нужди:
Russia has been secretly buying dual-use goods from India and exploring the possibility of building facilities in the country to obtain components for its military needs, according to Russian government correspondence that has come into the possession of the Financial Times.
The Ministry of Industry and Commerce, which oversees defense production, reportedly drew up confidential plans in October 2022 to spend about 82 billion rupees ($1 billion at the time) to provide critical electronics through channels hidden from Western governments.
The plan suggested using "substantial reserves" of rupees accumulated by Russian banks from booming oil sales to India. India was seen as an alternative market to obtain crucial goods "previously supplied from unfriendly countries."
India is a major buyer of Russian oil, and total trade between the two countries reached a record $66 billion in the 2023-24 fiscal year, five times more than in the year before the conflict began.
Some of the trade was done in rupees, leaving Russia with a surplus of that currency. The Kremlin has acknowledged that U.S. sanctions and currency restrictions have made it difficult to repatriate Russian oil profits. According to people involved in the trade and Western officials, Russian groups have used rupees to trade gold and buy goods to circumvent sanctions.
In October 2022, Alexander Gaponov, an official in the Russian government's central apparatus who appears in the correspondence, asked an opaque Moscow-based organization linked to Russian intelligence services, the Consortium for Foreign Economic Activity and International Interstate Cooperation in Industry, to submit plans to buy critical components from India.
Consortium head Vadim Poyda outlined a five-step plan to help Russia spend rupees and establish stable supplies of dual-use components - Russia would create a "closed payment system between Russian and Indian companies" that would not be subject to Western oversight, "including the use of digital financial assets."
Poyda's consortium estimated that Russia could purchase up to 100 billion rubles worth of components, including parts for "telecommunications, server and other complex electronic equipment" that had previously been purchased through Western countries.
Its participants, Poyda wrote, have started pilot projects to produce Russian-designed components in India and conducted "detailed work on the issue of concealing information about the participation of Russian individuals and legal entities, as well as the logistics of deliveries through third countries."
Additional funds could be spent to support joint ventures in India to produce electronics necessary "to meet the needs of Russia's critical information infrastructure."
Indian company Innovio Ventures was listed in trade declarations as a supplier of at least $4.9 million worth of electronic equipment, including drones, to Russia, as well as $600,000 worth of goods to Kyrgyzstan.
Shipments to Russia include $568,000 worth of electronic equipment for use in radioelectronic systems to the Russian company Testkomplekt. It has come under U.S. and EU sanctions for being the center of Moscow's military procurement system.
The consortium's legal entity was created in 2013, nominally as an application development tool. Poyda took control of it and renamed it in March 2022, less than a month after the conflict in Ukraine began.
A Western official has confirmed that the group, whose correspondence mentions meetings involving intelligence officials, is a front for Russian intelligence.
An Indian businessman familiar with Russia's trade with India said Moscow has also done preliminary work on setting up businesses in India.
https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/sta ... 2427530553
https://www.ft.com/content/101afcd6-8e6 ... f48cd5d119
https://x.com/Maks_NAFO_FELLA/status/18 ... 7245751354
Русия тайно е купувала стоки с двойна употреба от Индия и е проучвала възможността за изграждане на съоръжения в страната, за да получава компоненти за своите военни нужди:
Russia has been secretly buying dual-use goods from India and exploring the possibility of building facilities in the country to obtain components for its military needs, according to Russian government correspondence that has come into the possession of the Financial Times.
The Ministry of Industry and Commerce, which oversees defense production, reportedly drew up confidential plans in October 2022 to spend about 82 billion rupees ($1 billion at the time) to provide critical electronics through channels hidden from Western governments.
The plan suggested using "substantial reserves" of rupees accumulated by Russian banks from booming oil sales to India. India was seen as an alternative market to obtain crucial goods "previously supplied from unfriendly countries."
India is a major buyer of Russian oil, and total trade between the two countries reached a record $66 billion in the 2023-24 fiscal year, five times more than in the year before the conflict began.
Some of the trade was done in rupees, leaving Russia with a surplus of that currency. The Kremlin has acknowledged that U.S. sanctions and currency restrictions have made it difficult to repatriate Russian oil profits. According to people involved in the trade and Western officials, Russian groups have used rupees to trade gold and buy goods to circumvent sanctions.
In October 2022, Alexander Gaponov, an official in the Russian government's central apparatus who appears in the correspondence, asked an opaque Moscow-based organization linked to Russian intelligence services, the Consortium for Foreign Economic Activity and International Interstate Cooperation in Industry, to submit plans to buy critical components from India.
Consortium head Vadim Poyda outlined a five-step plan to help Russia spend rupees and establish stable supplies of dual-use components - Russia would create a "closed payment system between Russian and Indian companies" that would not be subject to Western oversight, "including the use of digital financial assets."
Poyda's consortium estimated that Russia could purchase up to 100 billion rubles worth of components, including parts for "telecommunications, server and other complex electronic equipment" that had previously been purchased through Western countries.
Its participants, Poyda wrote, have started pilot projects to produce Russian-designed components in India and conducted "detailed work on the issue of concealing information about the participation of Russian individuals and legal entities, as well as the logistics of deliveries through third countries."
Additional funds could be spent to support joint ventures in India to produce electronics necessary "to meet the needs of Russia's critical information infrastructure."
Indian company Innovio Ventures was listed in trade declarations as a supplier of at least $4.9 million worth of electronic equipment, including drones, to Russia, as well as $600,000 worth of goods to Kyrgyzstan.
Shipments to Russia include $568,000 worth of electronic equipment for use in radioelectronic systems to the Russian company Testkomplekt. It has come under U.S. and EU sanctions for being the center of Moscow's military procurement system.
The consortium's legal entity was created in 2013, nominally as an application development tool. Poyda took control of it and renamed it in March 2022, less than a month after the conflict in Ukraine began.
A Western official has confirmed that the group, whose correspondence mentions meetings involving intelligence officials, is a front for Russian intelligence.
An Indian businessman familiar with Russia's trade with India said Moscow has also done preliminary work on setting up businesses in India.
https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/sta ... 2427530553
https://www.ft.com/content/101afcd6-8e6 ... f48cd5d119
- rki
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- Регистриран на: 22 Мар 2017, 20:11
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Re: Икономиката на Русия и външната ѝ политика
The USSR is still collapsing before our very eyes
Parasha delenda est
- Dinain
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- Регистриран на: 18 Юли 2016, 22:29
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Re: Икономиката на Русия и външната ѝ политика
Gazprom Postpones Arctic Gas Exploration Projects After Record Loss
Газпром отлага или изцяло отменя плановете си за разработване на редица газови находища в арктическия кръг, на фона на рекордни загуби за 2023 г., санкции и отказ на Китай да подпише проекта за нов газопровод.
За първата половина на 2024 г. Газпром декларира изненадваща печалба (от нефтения бизнес), но основният му газов сегмент все още генерира -$28.8 млн. загуба на ден.
($288 млн. трябва да е грешка в статията)
https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/09/ ... oss-a86260In the Kara Sea, where Gazprom holds 11 licenses, exploratory well drilling at the Leningradskoye and Obruchevsky sites has been pushed back by four years, from 2029-2031 to 2033-2035, and from 2029-2032 to 2033-2036, respectively. Drilling at the Nevsky site is now scheduled for 2036 instead of 2032, while the Morskoy site has been removed from the plan entirely.
In the Barents Sea, where Gazprom holds seven licenses, work at the Medvezhyye and Fersmanovsky sites — where the company planned to drill three exploratory wells — has also been postponed by four years, from 2031-2032 to 2035-2036.
The move comes amid record losses, Western sanctions in response to the invasion of Ukraine and China's reluctance to sign a new contract for Russian gas.
Although Gazprom reported a profit of 1.042 trillion rubles ($11.7 billion) in the first half of 2024, its core gas business remained in the red, with losses totaling 480 billion rubles ($5.4 billion), or 2.5 billion rubles ($288 million) per day, according to Russian Accounting Standards.
Газпром отлага или изцяло отменя плановете си за разработване на редица газови находища в арктическия кръг, на фона на рекордни загуби за 2023 г., санкции и отказ на Китай да подпише проекта за нов газопровод.
За първата половина на 2024 г. Газпром декларира изненадваща печалба (от нефтения бизнес), но основният му газов сегмент все още генерира -$28.8 млн. загуба на ден.
($288 млн. трябва да е грешка в статията)
“Обережно, падає бімба! ”
Т-72, 24.02.22
Т-72, 24.02.22
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Re: Икономиката на Русия и външната ѝ политика
Руснаците нали бяха направили специална подводница за арктическите райони, която подобно на Курск потъна с целият екипаж? От Москва разбира се засекретиха поредната свинщина. Някой помни ли подробности?
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- Регистриран на: 16 Окт 2017, 07:48
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Re: Икономиката на Русия и външната ѝ политика
Най-големите китайски държавни банки (ICBC Bank, Bank of China) започнаха рязко да намаляват бизнеса си в Русия. Проблемите с плащанията нарастват и вече са обхванали около 80% от двустранната търговия.
China's state-owned banks are drastically reducing operations in Russia as payment problems escalate, having already affected about 80% of bilateral trade.
The assets of the Russian subsidiary of Bank of China, the fourth largest bank in China, fell by 37% in the second quarter of 2024, to 355.9 billion rubles, FrankRG reports, citing banking statistics of the Central Bank. ICBC Bank, a subsidiary of the largest Chinese bank ICBC Bank, operating on the Russian market since 2007, reduced its assets by 27%, to 462.4 billion rubles.
Both banks, specializing in settlements between Russian and Chinese companies, have dynamically developed their Russian business since the outbreak of the war, and their assets have increased every quarter since 2022 and have increased by 246% and 555%, respectively, during this time
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Re: Икономиката на Русия и външната ѝ политика
Сериозно, няма такива дебили. Не го поствам в майтапи, защото за тази простотия са изхарчени сериозни пари. Рогозин демонстрира на Путин, хуманоиден боен робот, който управлява военно бъги.
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- Регистриран на: 16 Окт 2017, 07:48
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Re: Икономиката на Русия и външната ѝ политика
"My patriotism is starting to run out, Vladimir Vladimirovich!"
"Putin, where's my money?"
No money - no patriotism.
https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/sta ... 2154391617
"Putin, where's my money?"
No money - no patriotism.
https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/sta ... 2154391617
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Re: Икономиката на Русия и външната ѝ политика
САЩ отбелязаха засилена руска военна активност около ключови подводни кабели и смятат, че сега е по-вероятно Русия да извърши потенциален саботаж, насочен към изваждане от строя на критична комуникационна инфраструктура
CNN Exclusive: US has detected increased Russian military activity around key undersea cables and believes Russia may now be more likely to carry out potential sabotage aimed at disabling a critical communications infrastructure, two US officials tell me.
This is key - US believes Russia’s decision calculus on carrying out such attacks may have changed: “We are concerned about heightened Russian naval activity worldwide and that Russia’s decision calculus for damaging US and allied undersea critical infrastructure may be changing,” a US official told me.
Russia has put increasing emphasis on building up a dedicated military unit which deploys a formidable fleet of surface ships, submarines and naval drones: the “General Staff Main Directorate for Deep Sea Research,” known by its Russian acronym GUGI.
https://twitter.com/jimsciutto/status/1 ... 7868868982
CNN Exclusive: US has detected increased Russian military activity around key undersea cables and believes Russia may now be more likely to carry out potential sabotage aimed at disabling a critical communications infrastructure, two US officials tell me.
This is key - US believes Russia’s decision calculus on carrying out such attacks may have changed: “We are concerned about heightened Russian naval activity worldwide and that Russia’s decision calculus for damaging US and allied undersea critical infrastructure may be changing,” a US official told me.
Russia has put increasing emphasis on building up a dedicated military unit which deploys a formidable fleet of surface ships, submarines and naval drones: the “General Staff Main Directorate for Deep Sea Research,” known by its Russian acronym GUGI.
https://twitter.com/jimsciutto/status/1 ... 7868868982
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Re: Икономиката на Русия и външната ѝ политика
Смята се, че най-малко 100 000 тона руско гориво са били унищожени при ударите с украински дронове.
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